Dear potential sponsor,

Paramedics persevere through the worst kinds of tragedy. They learn that life can end in a mere moment and understand better than anyone the factors that contribute to a traumatic death. However, even the best paramedics can't cheat death. Across Canada, 55 paramedics have lost their lives in the line of duty while committing to helping complete strangers or comrades in their time of need.

The Tour Paramedic Ride is a yearly cycling event that honours the memories of military and civilian paramedics whom, while serving Canadians with pride, have made the ultimate sacrifice. It provides paramedics from across the great nation a way to come together to remember and share their stories. It also provides a conduit to speak up about occupational mental health trauma that paramedics are subject to, and also to recognize those, either off work or still on the job, that are suffering in silence.

Our main goal is to help the Canadian Paramedic Memorial Foundation build a national paramedic monument in Ottawa so that friends, family, colleagues, and the general public can have a place to memorialize those lost in the line of duty. And while that remains our main goal 10 years after our initial TPR ride in 2013, we have expanded our outreach to support charitable organizations that offer services to paramedics that struggle with mental health illnesses due to the nature of our profession.

We are asking you to support our cause and make the 10th anniversary of the Tour Paramedic Ride the best year to date. Every year we collect registration fees from our riders who are mostly in healthcare-related professions. With extreme support from our corporate sponsors, we have the ability to decrease registration costs and provide our members with a ride to remember, while also supporting causes close to our hearts.

In 2023, we will be having rides in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, with the potential for more rides in other provinces as well. We understand that our rides have brought together people of all professions and paramedics from Canada and the U.S.A. Everyone who has taken part will tell you that these rides build family, friends, and a few days to network with other people and forget about the trauma of the profession. We hope that, with your support, you also agree to take part in our rides or send a few of your organizational representatives. We look forward to seeing them!

Please reach out to for more information and you can enter a sponsorship amount, following our donation levels found on the poster, at

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you.